Add Your Comcast Listens Solutions Program Horror Story Here

The Comcast Listens Program failed me badly.  I was told multiple lies during the hiring process, convincing me to give up my job search and go to work at Comcast.  I was provided an offer letter that overstated the first-year earnings by 30% (based on my calculations using the company numbers and the observed first-year average earnings of others on my team).  The steely-eyed HR woman who met with me to address my claims of fraud in their hiring process refused to address ANY of my claims, but referenced a compensation plan I didn’t even see until AFTER I was hired.

I’m in the middle of being abused by Comcast in their Comcast Solutions Program.  The company seems to have a policy of “deny, deny, deny, delay, delay, delay, hope that you will go away”.   The resolution they proposed to me was to take a little bit of money and force my resignation.   Sure seems to me that they are retaliating on a whistle-blower who was brave enough to point out a flawed hiring process.  A year after bringing the deceptive hiring practices and overstated offer letter to the attention of Comcast, they continue to provide the same offer letter.   Read more about it here on

Comcast Enterprise Account Executive Deceptive Hiring

In my opinion, neither program works, and I’m hearing similar stories from others.   People who’ve settled with Comcast are unable to talk about their claims as they are gagged as part of the settlement.

Did you have a bad (or good) experience reporting through the Comcast Listens Program, or a Comcast Solutions claim that you gave up on because they delayed the process for years?

Others would love to read about them here.  Let’s help the public know what’s really going on with these programs.

Click Here to add your story

Mark K.  Founding Partner of the Comcast Listens Solutions Guide Organization.