Comcast Listens Steps to File

Submitting your Comcast Listens concerns is quite easy.  From the official FAQ page…

“You can call the Comcast Listens Line (1-877-40-LISTENS or 1-877-405-4783) toll-free around the clock to raise ethical or workplace concerns. The helpline is staffed by an independent third-party company, EthicsPoint, Inc., and you can remain anonymous if you choose.
If you’d prefer to report an issue online, you can visit the Comcast Listens web portal at, also administered by EthicsPoint. You can submit your concern anonymously via this portal.

Concerns reported through the Comcast Listens Line or web portal will be logged, acknowledged, and an investigation, when necessary, will be performed by a trained, objective investigator.”

Be sure to review our page with advice on how to make and effective comcast listens report.

If you’ve found this website helpful and taken action and filed a Comcast Listens or Comcast Solutions case, please use our Contact Us page to let us know. It makes us happy knowing we’re helping enrich those who were wronged by Comcast, and helping Comcast weed out the bad eggs and be a be accountable for their actions!