Guy Comcast Got Fired Now Suing Comcast For Violating Federal Privacy Law

Here’s a funny one… This article from says that Comcast got a guy fired from his job (not at Comcast) for complaining to COMCAST.  Now the guy is suing for disclosing his private information to his employer which is against the law.  Way to go Comcast…

Guy Comcast Got Fired Now Suing Comcast For Violating Federal Privacy Law
from the karma’s-a-bitch dept

In the most recent example we covered of Comcast’s ongoing efforts to convince everyone not to be Comcast customers, we noted that the fact they helped get a customer fired from his accounting job was the kind of thing he could probably sue over. That said, even I didn’t anticipate the guy accusing Comcast of violating federal law.
The plaintiff, Conal O’Rourke, claims that after a series of calls with Comcast’s customer service department, Comcast complained to his employer about him and he was fired from his job. The lawsuit filed yesterday is based on the same alleged series of events. Mr. O’Rourke claims that he did not authorize Comcast to disclose his information to anyone else, but Comcast nevertheless disclosed personally identifying information about Mr. O’Rourke, including his name, to PricewaterhouseCoopers, where Mr. O’Rourke worked. The following can be attributed to Laura Moy, staff attorney at Public Knowledge:

“If the facts in this complaint are true, they are extremely troubling. They would show that the nation’s largest cable provider exercised a complete disregard for federal privacy law.”

Read more here…

One Reply to “Guy Comcast Got Fired Now Suing Comcast For Violating Federal Privacy Law”

  1. I believe these are true facts as I have recently had the same experience. O am a 3rd party vendor company will remain nameless. I like Mr. Conal called comcast due to outages i had and was asking for credits. After Comcast refused to apply the credits I contacted the FCC the lady from the Executive office called me and basically refused to apply credits. She questioned me about my name change which I would gather she assumed I made the changes myself
    The lady escalates me to the 3rd party who i had a contract with for Comcast they had that client cancel my contract. My contract was canceled and my ability to contract through this company was removed. This has been a devastating blow to my well being, and finances. I have filed a complaint with the BBB no response yet I am left with no other choice but to take further action as they have dismantled my livelihood.

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